
Friday 23 September 2011

Crunchy Munchy

Terrible rhyme, i know.

Another week, another model. This week i've been working on the 2nd playable character of MO:HD, Munch, so it's been quite a stressful week. Saying that, he came out way better than i was expecting and it all came together a lot more fluidly and easily than i thought it was going to. Guess i'm getting better at this shit.

The guy on the right is the old version, with the updated version on the left. Or is that the other way around. Hard to tell. I took the liberty of adding a few nicks and scratches to munch's skin as it didn't make sense to me (at all) how he'd get through being bear-trapped, knocked out, brutally operated upon and then manacled to a restraining device without sustaining a single scratch. I also really like how they look, it's a good juxtaposition against the slippery shiny skin.

I've been cranking through models for MO:HD at a rate not unlike those recently (supposedly) recorded at CERN, but not a lot of it is as interesting as Munch, Abe or the other cool critters, so i don't ask if i can get permission to post em. No doubt i'll be making some more pics of the other things i've been making in the months to come though so stay tuned for that :)

Monday 8 August 2011

Scrab cakes and Paramite pies

Here's the other 2 guys that got posted up last week. These guys are way more strict with regards polycount/texture size than abe, they use about 1/4 the amount of resources he does.

Saturday 6 August 2011

Even more oddworld stuff

Some more stuff got dropped on the OWI facebook page recently so i have another excuse to update, it's way too soon! Here's a cool shot of Abe in another pose. As i mentioned before some things still need tweaking with good ol' abe, namely textures and some weirdness happening around the neck due to the old rig, so this won't be the final version that'll be seen ingame. The boss and i thought it was about time we dropped the abe bomb on the fans though.

That's all i have to post right now. When monday rolls around i'll have 2 more shots of paramites and scrabs to share in lovely high res.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Abe HD!

Finished rigging abe today and the boss immediately saw fit to put it up on facebook for the fans :)

I've had the model done for a couple of weeks now but i just got caught up with other things. There's still one or two minor tweaks to be made, but you wouldn't know it from this shot.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

a couple of models

couple of things ive been working on just landed on the net so i can post em around now. i made these 2 guys pretty early on. click for BIIIIGGGG

Saturday 25 June 2011

Finished uni and got a job in the industry! Life is moving

So, i snagged a character artist job at Just Add Water LTD here in the UK, i've been there a few months now and i'm enjoying every minute. Super psyched to have landed my first job at such a cool studio, everyone is really friendly and we're actually working on cool IP which is something i was not expecting.

Something i've always found difficult is disciplining myself to make art on a regular basis. In the past my tendancy has been to have bursts of very heavy duty arting for maybe a month or more, but then i'd usually have a dry spell where i'd do nothing for 2-3 months. Really bad way to get better i know, 1 step forwards, 2 steps back. Since starting at JAW though i've been pumping out art non stop for 3 months and i can already feel a massive growth in my art, and it's only set to continue. Loving it.

Anyways, i finished uni and made the best go of the concept car thing, i had started full time at the job while i was trying to work on this though, so i was pretty burnt out on it and just wanted it over quickly. I think it's good enough for what it is, not stellar, but alright.

Youtube blocks this in some countries cause of the music, which is awesome. If it won't play then whatevs.

With the job now i'm feeling pretty tired by the time i get home so making personal art is the last thing on my mind, but i'm gonna have a shot at forcing myself to get some personal stuff done for myself. We'll see how that goes.